Tuesday 30 December 2008

bah HUMBUG!!!

Well it's what the penultimate day of 2008.... and I've taken my tree down!! I can't even use the excuse that it died... cause its a fake!!! I feared for my waning sanity of me screaming
"don't pull the tree" and "leave it"

I'm sick and tired of looking at a tree that is now (or was) leaning ALOT to the left!! And I know its bad luck to take the decorations down before the 12days of Xmas is over.... but...

  1. I'm not even sure what the 12 days of Xmas stands for!

  2. I did leave the door wreath up, and the tree that's in the window, so by rights, I HAVEN'T taken EVERYTHING down!!!

And besides I have serious bad luck in life anyway, boy I like to see what else God can throw at me!!!

We had a fantastic day on Xmas, Brett didn't wake till 730am, which has got to be my fault for not telling him it was Xmas! Well this isn't totally true, we did put out the mince pie and brandy, and a carrot for Rudolph!! We DID leave the "key" out for Santa as we don't have a chimney!! So I'm pretty sure he knew!!!

The best part of the day was the fact that Brett got the bike he asked for, I wrapped it up best I could and I put it next to the table, which was decorated in blue... (snow and snowmen!!!) Stupidly I also did the bike in a similar paper!! The most amazing thing happened, Brett opened his gifts and by 830, still hadn't seen the bike!! We actually had to point it out to him.... "look Brett there's another gift there!!!" In fact you can see in the back ground on the picture, the bike was huge.... yet he still didn't see it!!! His face was a picture, and I have to say that's what Xmas is all about!!

Brooke of course had NO idea what was going on and spent the morning wondering back and forth between the gifts and me and Christian!!!! But I'm sure she had a wonderful time!!!


Wednesday 24 December 2008

ITS CHRITTMAS... Well nearly!!

Just a quick one as I'm off to work.... its 730... boo hoo!!!!1

I'm so excited I can hardly contain my self!!! Its all the run up to the big day, and I love It, although I've still not told Brett when Christmas day is.... he'll be SO excited he'll not sleep, so we're telling him in the morning that Santa has been!!!

I've bee quiet since my last post, i said I felt rough..... turns out I had a bug... and really bad head cold..... think I've still got it, or am I just delirious!!!!

Have a fantastic day, and sending you all Christmas cheer and love! xx

Saturday 20 December 2008


I feel so rough!! I don't know if I'm tired or if I'm coming down with something, but i feel DIZZY and like I've drank a bottle of vodka to my self... oh and now i have a head ache!!! GREAT!!!! I don't know, it could be the pregnancy... but I'd like to hope not!!!!

So if i go quiet for a while you know why.... and you better e mail me to check I'm still conscious!!! LOL....
Well at least Christian can Blog for me!!!

I just dont have much to say, I'm tired... its a busy time of year at the shop... we have so many orders to get out..... and I'm such a control freak I HAVE to do them... I don't like anyone to touch them... I'll accept help, but I'm in charge OK!!!

On a plus side, I saw an old friend Shelley today, who is also expecting, and she said she feels the same.. low blood preasure!!! I'm not happy she feels rough, but i was happy to see her!!! And she has the most beautiful little girl!! That made my day!!

Just a thought!

Getting Angry Doesn't Solve Anything.
How Can I Help It?
How Can I Help It?
How Can I Help What You Think?
Hello My Baby
Hello My Baby Putting My Life On The Brink
Why Don't You Like Me?
Why Don't You Like Me?
Why Don't You Like Yourself?
Should I Bend Over? Should I Look Older Just To Be Put On Your Shelf?

Thursday 18 December 2008

Let me sleep... Just for one night!

I don't want to blog today... I'm tired and its running up to a busy time at my mum's shop. My mum and Step dad John own a Cheese shop, we sell cheese... LOL and deli things, and John cooks all his own meats, Roast Ham, pork, Turkey and beef... one of these days I'll designe a web site for them... or more to the point, Christian will!! Any way back on track, So on the run up to xmas we are amazingly busy, and I'm working lots, on top of that I'm a born worrier... and I worry about ANYTHING!!! So I can't sleep, thinking about idle stuff, the kind of stuff that blindsides you on a Tuesday afternoon!!!!!!! But MAN I cannot sleep. So today I cannot be bothered.... and I want to sleep... but I enjoy blogging, and it keeps my mind from thinking of all the things I could be worrying about!!!

So today I will leave you with the poem by
Mary Schmich, Wear sunscreen.

If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists, whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience. I will dispense this advice now.

Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth. Oh, never mind. You will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they've faded. But trust me, in 20 years, you'll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can't grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked. You are NOT as fat as you imagine.

Don't worry about the future. Or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind, the kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday.

Do one thing every day that scares you.


Don't be reckless with other people's hearts. Don't put up with people who are reckless with yours.


Don't waste your time on jealousy. Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind. The race is long and, in the end, it's only with yourself.

Remember compliments you receive. Forget the insults. If you succeed in doing this, tell me how.

Keep your old love letters. Throw away your old bank statements.


Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your life. The most interesting people I know didn't know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives. Some of the most interesting 40-year-olds I know still don't.

Get plenty of calcium. Be kind to your knees. You'll miss them when they're gone.

Maybe you'll marry, maybe you won't. Maybe you'll have children, maybe you won't. Maybe you'll divorce at 40, maybe you'll dance the funky chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary. Whatever you do, don't congratulate yourself too much, or berate yourself either. Your choices are half chance. So are everybody else's.

Enjoy your body. Use it every way you can. Don't be afraid of it or of what other people think of it. It's the greatest instrument you'll ever own.

Dance, even if you have nowhere to do it but your living room.

Read the directions, even if you don't follow them.

DO NOT read beauty magazines. They will only make you feel ugly.

Get to know your parents. You never know when they'll be gone for good. Be nice to your siblings. They're your best link to your past and the people most likely to stick with you in the future.

Understand that friends come and go, but with a precious few you should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle, because the older you get, the more you need the people who knew you when you were young.

Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard. Live in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft.

Accept certain inalienable truths: Prices will rise. Politicians will philander. You, too, will get old. And when you do, you'll fantasize that when you were young, prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children respected their elders.

Respect your elders.

Don't expect anyone else to support you. Maybe you have a trust fund. Maybe you'll have a wealthy spouse. But you never know when either one might run out.

Don't mess too much with your hair or by the time you're 40 it will look 85.

Be careful whose advice you buy, but be patient with those who supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia. Dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it's worth.

But trust me on the sunscreen.
Every time i read this, or hear someone sing it, I get a tear in my eye, and a lump in my throat!!! Softy!!! xxx

Wednesday 17 December 2008

The road side recovery

To day could quite possibly of been the worst day ever.... well this week at least!!!!

Brooke has a slight bowel problem... she gets kinda constipated and can take up to 3hrs to "go"... And this morning was one of those days!! So I sit with her and comfort her best I can, and I call my sister to ask her to take Brett to school. Christian doesn't drive!! So he packs his lunch up and waits for Holly (my sis) to collect him, mean while, I'm up stairs with Brooke!

So time passes by and Brooke does her business.. I come down stairs and Christian is in the bath, you have to walk through my kitchen to get the the bathroom, and as I do so i notice Bretts lunch on the side....

I said "Chris, does Brett not need his lunch today?" Obviously being slightly sarcastic!! To which he replyed, "oh shit!!!"

So we get in the car, (after he was dressed) to take Brett's lunch. His school is only a 10mins drive away so its not a problem!! Anyway, literly 2mins into the journy, my car STOPS... dead!!!!!

Great!!! So having no idea of what the hell is under a bonnett, i called the AA Roadside recovery!! The kind sweet lady on the phone said OK Mrs Wilkinson, someone will be with you within 80 yes 80 mins!! OK...I'm sat in the car with Brooke, who by now is poohing more freely, and I have no changing bag, and Christian who doesn't want to leave me on my own, and to be fair its a busy road with no side walk, so it wouldn't of been safe to walk any way!!!

80mins later.... No AA... 85mins later and cheers from Lia, he arrives....lovely sweet angel man!!! And the kind sweet angel tells me my cam/timing belt has snapped....... and can cost up to £800.00 ($1600.00) to fix.... Still I won't get mad, no sir, this is the new me.... not to moan on and on!!!!

He tow us home and I take Brooke in to change her...... then I CRY!!!! Still i didn't get mad, and i feel good about that!!!!

By the way I found a mobile garage who is coming to fix my car on Tuesday, and will only cost me £350.00 ($700.00) ONLY.... bless, i've just found a new angel!!!

Life huh, well these things are sent to try us.... and like i said, this would be funny if it wasn't happening to me.... but it is... and its NOT funny!!!!

and p.s... sorry aout the spelling/typo's..... the spellcheck isn't working!!! And I can't spell!!!!!!!! AT ALL!!!! xxx

Tuesday 16 December 2008

The Bloomin onion!

Oh the bloomin' onion!!! A wonderful invention with thanks to the The outback steak..... And a wonderful recipe kindly donated by Tiff.... And cooked by my wonderful hubby, Christian... The results, well how can I kindly put this....Bloomin awful!!! OK, So we followed the recipe to the letter... but as us UK folk use different measurements than you USA....... I had to convert them and I'm guessing they just weren't right!!!

And I'm only ready to tell you this after the heart burn has stopped, because, I won't waste food, and may be if I did I wouldn't be over weight...... but yes I still ate the bloomin awful, bloomin onion!!

I've lost my charisma

Well its official... I've lost my charisma, the omph that makes me, ME!!! If you find it, i'll post my return address!!
I've been wondering why this is, what has caused me to feel so glum?? Wondering why i had to burn my toast this morning?? Why I was running late on the school run...Why Why Why???
Well i tell you why, I have NO energy, because I'm pregnant!!! No.. seriously I have no energy because I'm focasing all my energy into hating the ex wife and more particually her sister, as she's the one doing all the following, and giving us shit (sorry). And I need to take a step back for a day, in scrooge style, and remember what I truely have. I have two beautiful children, who need their Mummy to be a happy mummy, the bad energy is no good for them, and I know it will reflect in their behaviour. I have a fantastic hubby, who is trying to do his best with the ex family, and is trying to let it go.... and do what is best for us. I have a beautiful sister, who listens to me moan on and on, day after day, and I'm sure she'd rather have her happy sister back. And my mum to, I'm sure she'd rather have a happy daughter back, not this grumpy bitter one!!
But the truth is, I live my life every day, watching my step, where I go, what I am doing.... just incase I bump into the ex, and I cause some sort of up roar!!! I shouldn't have to live my life this way, and put my family through this, I am gonna have to figure out how to change this, and I think a move is in order... now all I have to do is convince Christian!!!!

Monday 15 December 2008

I think I'm being stalked!!

I told you I may go on and on and on about the "ex" wife... and i use the term "ex" loosely, because the way she acts is like they are still married!! HA HA LOL... NOTTTTT

I nipped to the local shop, we're in the process of making a "bloomin' onion" courtesy of the wonderful Tiff.... and by the way, I feel the blooming onion deserves a post of its own and I will tell you about it later!! Anywhoo... so I'd gone to get some Cayenne pepper (yes I forgot something else) and who should follow me as I turn out the end of my street... yep the ex wife and her sister!!! Great.. I've had enough now, its not funny any more!!!

Speaking of which, I got a new magnet for the fridge door today, which reads....

This would be funny... if it wasn't happening to me!!!

Never a truer word... Is truer even a word??? Oh you know what, I don't care anymore, I'm tired, pregnant and VERY emotional!!!

All I do is shop!

Well we've just done the first of the "big" food shops, you know the one where you get everything you need for over the holidays, the nuts and cookies, the tins of beans for when you have done with the turkey, and your son complains that he doesn't "do" turkey!!! The sausage meat to stuff the turkey with, Chocolate chocolate and more chocolate!!! And now all we need to get is the damn turkey and the veg!!!

So we've put it all away, the cupboards are bursting open, and we're having a well deserved drink... and I sit here proud that I wrote a list and didn't stray from it (much) and that I didn't forget anything..... @%*^~# I forgot the Christmas crackers..... Brett will never forgive me!!!

Since being pregnant, I'm finding that more often than I like, things are slipping my mind, like names for example.... which is no good when your parents own a deli shop and you deal with people ALL day. I said hi Marilyn, to a customer the other day, and she just looked at me.... I remembered later that her name was Marion!!! Same letter different names!!! Now i just say hi!!!

Speaking of forgetful... I'm a child short!!!! School run!!!! QUICK..............

Sunday 14 December 2008

The encounter

OMG..... Such a sweet day!!!! So we spent our wedding anniversary doing basically NOTHING!!! Oh up untill roughly 2pm, when i sunddenly realised we had no dipers......So off to ASDA(Walmart) for us....

So on the way there who should "follow" us in the car??? Huh... The ex wife and her sister!!! GREAT..so i take a different route!! I mean i don't need to look in my rear view and see there ugly mugs!!!

So no problem, we pick up our shopping along with a million other items that we could of done with out, and we're stood at the check out, Brett's playing us up, he's bored, I wanna go home, there I was stood like a total IDIOT in the middle of the checkout, and I turned around to say something to Brett, and I walked straight into this woman, as I proceed to say, "oh I'm sorry"I looked up to see the ex wife's sister!!! I just laughed nervously and walked away, still laughing and pointing out to Christian what I was laughing at...

ASDA is like 40 minuets drive away!!! As if we should bump into them there!!! OF ALL PLACES!! AAARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH

Blog number one!!

Well hi there!!!
As this is my first blog, I'll give you a little into.... I'm 28yrs old and female.. well I think I am! I am married to Christian and we have two children Brett who is 4, and Brooke who is 1. Both my children were born in July, so I that means I only get to do the dirty deed once a year!!!
I don't want to go on about my self, I'm here to blog, and get things of my chest, and basically have a "diary" that any one can read, its more fun that way!!!
I just want something I can look back on later in life and think "yeah, we did have good times"...as you live life, times seem to be so hard, and trying!! I want to be able to show my kids we did have laughs amongst all the stresses in life!
Just so you know, I am also a second wife.... meaning Christian was married before me... And there is no love lost between his ex wife and my self..... so you have been warned, I may rant about the "ex" family a bit, and the hell that they think its OK to put us through!!
Oh and along with the two insane children we have, we are also expecting number 3!!! CRAZY WOMAN!!! To day is our third wedding anniversary, many happy returns!!!! Yesterday we went out for a meal (with the children) because today is Sunday, and we'd have to travel to far to go anywhere half decent, and its always sooooo busy on a Sunday....Anywhoo isn't it funny how kids can never stop amazing their parents!!! They were soooo well behaved, honestly we never know they were there, which is a total change to there normal run-all-over-and-moan-because-I'm-bored-routine!! Well not Brooke, she's always tied to the highchair anyway... and is also happy as long as she has something in her hands, be it a crayon or the sauce sachets from the table!! That's such a fun thing to play with, especially when her tiny teeth bite into the English mustard!!! Oh a just in case you were wondering, she said.... mmmmm, nice!!!!
OK so I'm of to do something romantic-ish with the family!!!